Earth Notes: Microgeneration: Producing and Storing Renewable Energy @Home
Auto-updated 2024-12-09.Making electricity and heat @Home or otherwise distributed, grid-tied or off-grid, from solar or wind or otherwise! #microgen #lowCarbon
How to go about making and storing your own electricity, grid-tied and off-grid, with distributed microgeneration from sun and wind mainly, but in any case small-scale. Generating and storing heat, and other related pieces also.
- 10 Years at Home with GSHP, Western France: Case Study
- 11 Years of Home ASHP, Kingston-upon-Thames London: Case Study
- 16WW Eddi PV DHW Diverter Export Margin Analysis (2022-08)
- 16WW Energy Series Dataset
- 16WW Energy Systems Diagrams
- 16WW Heat-pump Control
- ASHP: Domestic Air-Source Heat Pumps
- A Visit to Reading Hydro by TTK Energy Group (2023)
- Battery Sounds: How Does a Battery Sound in Time-lapse?
- Bulk Electricity Storage @Home (2011)
- Bulk Electricity Storage @Home (2018)
- Catalogue of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils (1980)
- Composting vs Solar Power (2007)
- Domestic Heat Pumps: Barriers to Installation (2022)
- Eddi Solar PV Diverter Top-up Dataset
- Enphase AC Battery Grid-connected Storage in Our UK Home: Review
- Even More Enphase AC Battery Home Storage (2021-10-28)
- Expanding and Optimising Off-grid PV for Mid-winter (2016)
- GSHP: UK Domestic Ground-Source Heat Pumps
- Heat Battery Top-up Dataset
- Installing a UK home EV Charge Point: Case Study (2022)
- Installing Solar PV for Zero-Carbon Electricity @Home (2009)
- Kingston Community Energy (2012)
- Kingston Community Energy (2024)
- LiFePO4 Battery Integration with Off-grid Solar PV
- London Home Solar Power PV Pilot Project (2007)
- London Home Solar Power PV Pilot Project: Continued (2007)
- London Home Wind Power Pilot: MotorWind (2007)
- London Home Wind Power Pilot Project (2007)
- Low-Voltage Disconnect for 12V RE System (2007)
- Milk Tanker Thermal Store with Heat Pump (2007)
- Octopus Heat-pump Journey
- Off-grid Battery Bank Replacement (2021)
- Off-Grid Stats and Equipment Change Notes
- Off-Grid Stats from the RPi powermng Utility
- Off-Grid Stats Snapshot (2009-09)
- Off-Grid Stats via K8055 (2007 to 2014)
- On Distributed Grid Support From Microgeneration (2007)
- On Electricity Metering vs Minimising CO2 and/or Bills (2008)
- On G83-Lite: Solar Nanogeneration For Everyone (2009)
- On Solar DHW For Our Home: thinking allowed (2008--2019)
- On Solar DHW, Sunamp, PV Divert
- On Solar PV for Diffuse/Cloudy Daylight (2007)
- On the Energy Harvesting IUK/KTN Dissemination Event (2017-07)
- On Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) Power From Ground-Source Heat
- On Tools for Solar PV/Thermal Projects
- PV Sounds: How Does PV Grid-tie Generation Sound in Time-lapse?
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2008)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2009)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2010)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2011)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2012)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2013)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2014)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2015)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2016)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2017)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2018)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2019)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2020)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2021)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2022)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2023)
- Saving Electricity and Gas (2024)
- Saving Electricity and Gas
- Saving Electricity and Gas: Side Story (2007 to 2011)
- Schools, Science Week, and Solar Power (2019)
- Second Enphase AC Battery Home Storage (2021-09-15)
- Solar Panels in My Garden
- Solar Powered Schools (2012)
- Statscast - Energy Storage Stats Special (2022-05)
- The Green Existence of Adam Hart-Davis
- The River Thames Scheme and Potential Renewable Generation
- Towards a Real LZC Low/Zero-Carbon Business (2008)
- Towards a Real LZC Low/Zero-Carbon Office (2008)
- Towards a Real LZC Low/Zero-Carbon UK Home (2007)
- UK Solar PV Incentives for Rented Commercial Properties (2022)
- VAWT Experiment 3: Big Box on Real PM Gen (2007)