Earth Notes: The Earth Notes Podcast @Home

Auto-updated 2025-03-06.
Listen to the Earth Notes occasional podcast on all things eco and green and efficient @Home! #eco #snackable #podcast
How to cut your carbon footprint at home without pain! All Earth Notes podcast episodes (audio-based articles) are listed here. Look out for the full transcripts.

Try the Podcast RSS feed.

The podcast started in . The first two episodes were created to support a local naturalist who leads guided walks around our local council housing estate.

Episodes are typically:

Some episodes are a little more tangential, such as listening to the temperature of your radiators for a whole year in one second.

Some episodes are longer. Watch out for video too!

There are also ambient and sonification episodes with little or no commentary.


68 episodes, newest first:

a = episode artwork, c = WebVTT captions/transcript

A direct RSS podcast feed is available.

This podcast is also available via Apple Podcasts, Subscribe on Android, Overcast, and Listen Notes.

Please like and subscribe to help other people find this podcast!

The Feeder (F-Droid, Google Play) open source feed reader and podcast player on Android is data-plan friendly!


'Lite'/mobile pages play smaller, mono versions of the audio files where available. Smaller files help save your mobile data allowance and a tiny carbon toeprint for you and for me. A smaller version may be served automatically if you have data saving mode (Save-Data: on) enabled in your browser.


Diary of some EOU HQ and notable events/stats, for a future diarycast!


You may be interested in nitty-gritty tech updates and daily learnings while keeping the Earth Notes site up and running.

Some documentation of my set-up and workflow is in episode "Metacast 2".

See also Podcast Industry Statistics, updated daily.

There are the first wisps of a SoundCloud.

I have some anecdotes.


(Count: 7)