Earth Notes: Content Calendar and Selected Articles
Auto-updated 2025-03-04.From setting yourself up for a green Christmas or eco summer holiday, to the months for planting and harvesting pumpkins!
Some of the appropriate months are obvious, some less so. When do people think about booking holidays for example, or choose what to do in their garden that year?
While the timings are driven primarily for a UK (and nearby) audience, some articles can be presented usefully six months out in the wee hours for an audience down under! By-month Editorial Calendar
Style Points
For editorial, ie articles, every page has exactly one 'H1', at the start. There is then also a description and finally (possibly not immediately) a short key paragraph, forming a "content pyramid". Those three components get copied into titles and sub-heads and teasers, and often into the excerpts shown by search engines — they travel.
In H1 and H2 headings, all significant words are capitalised. For H3 and below, they are capitalised like sentences. For example, the 'Qs' in a Q&A are often in H3 headings. H4 and below are rare.
When putting hashtags in description text, use only one or two to maximise engagement, if possible. (All hashtags must be at the end.)