Earth Notes: Diarycast - Year In Review, and One Weird Trick (2022)
Updated 2025-03-04.Diarycast
Hi, I'm Damon Hart-Davis, and welcome to Earth Notes podcast on all things eco and green and efficient @Home!
3rd January 2023.
EOU review for 2022: it nearly rhymes! Here's a brief round-up of the year and a peek into 2023 and some time travel...(The full diary can be found in the Show Notes.)
The end of 2022 featured quite a few big life changes (along with emerging from the covid pandemic) which I attempted to coordinate. Radbot has been handed over to new owners after a decade, and I am starting research (as a PhD student) in 2023, of which more later. To try to tidy up loose ends and simplify my life I fully handed over my two solar PV rent-a-roof systems to the occupants (home and school). I also stood down as a school governor after more than a decade. I even had a 'retirement' party in November!
[01:09]Here are some brief snippets from each month...
- January
- I arranged for new grid generation-source intensity values to be rolled in to my grid intensity page automatically with the new year, leaning on National Grid ESO's Carbon Intensity work: thanks! Also, the myenergi Eddi solar PV diverter was ordered, arrived, got some bench testing, and had the start of a set of control scripts written for it. I continued to develop and tweak the control system throughout the year; by December PV diversion and low-carbon boost from grid were working well.
- February
- Storm Eunice rolled over, did not damage EOU Towers, ie 16WW, but smashed up many trees in the cemetery next door. To make space for the Thermino heat battery we Freegled the old and part-working grill that I bought with Ixaris' first test virtual VISA card transaction. There was some quite decent off-grid and grid-tie generation at the end of last month, and this month, and the sparrows have been making themselves heard...
- March
- After years of dithering and another couple due to covid, the Sunamp Thermino heat battery finally went in! The day before, partly because of the situation in Ukraine, our heating was turned off, so gas use at least until the autumn would be limited to whatever PV diversion did not cover.
- April
- Along with relishing my Eddi doing its diversion stuff and even some frequency response, I also boot-strapped a uniform, standardised-format, kWh energy series dataset for much of 16WW's key data. It is now far easier to eyeball seasonal and other changes, and shifts from one energy source to another, eg for DHW (water heating).
- May
- Residual gas use turned out to be small, generally well under ~25%, thus usually under 1kWh per day rather than 4: hurrah! And I captured many minutes of local sparrows' chatter...
- June
- Kingston Invents! (our local inventors' club) met for the first time since covid took off, in the same building (and possibly the same room) at Kingston University as before. It felt almost as if there had been no break. Also vital to world peace, I note that the longest day of the year allowed me to run the dishwasher after supper at about 6pm, without needing to draw from the grid!
- July
Parts of the UK touched 40°C this month; our porch sensor saw 37°C. Way too hot. Also I learned that a mini-fast is good for you, and stopping eating at least three hours before bedtime helps the gut switch to repair mode during sleep. Therefore, I should stop snacking by the time that I feel comfortable running electrical appliances after the evening peak at 7pm! I have observed that one simple rule (one weird trick to save health and climate?) reasonably well since. Oh, and I discovered cold brew coffee, which may save ~30Wh of heating per cup!
- August
- We were again able to visit the south of France (by train) for our family summer holiday beside the Med, hurrah!
- September
- Kingston hosted a "Sustainable September" month-long series of events. Those included 16WW open house on the 11th, and talks including one of mine on the 25th. Mid-month we had a power cut that I did not even notice until a neighbour came round to check with us; my laptop and the Internet router were running off-grid and thus oblivious... Towards the end of the month, after being serviced, the gas combi sulked and had to be turned off until a rematch with the boiler person in October. In the interim the Eddi/Thermino control system was flipped into a "supply all the hot water" mode that I had been prepping! It all worked! And I ordered some inexpensive USB-powered heated insoles that work quite well.
- October
- Our gas combi got fixed, and I signed up (and handed over money) for a part-time PhD to try to help fix UK heating retrofits and the planet... Also I moved some of my attention from Twitter to Mastodon.
- November
- I upgraded my live grid intensity page to be able to pronounce a red/yellow/green view based on a week of data, rather than just one day. Additionally, this worked around increasing flakiness of the data from Elexon, especially in the wee hours of the morning, just when my system needs to know if it should top up the heat battery! And hurrah, the UK [government] finally — at least a year overdue — is telling people how to set their boiler flow temperature correctly, to save a pile of carbon emissions and their (and the Treasury's) cash.
- December
- We turned on the 16WW central heating on the 1st. I fixed the bathroom MHRV, fixed my Multimedia Gallery, and fixed the Thermino top-up algorithms, all after far too long! And I stood down as a school governor after well over a decade.
[06:11]I officially start as a part-time student at the University of Surrey for an Environment and Sustainability PhD on 9th January. Gloriously, the official offer letter has the end date as 1931... I remember at the time being told that Y2K was a fake, and would never happen, while I was busily fixing bits of it in banking and elsewhere!
I don't know how well I'll hack life as a part academic. It is the best way that I can currently think of to tackle climate change. I'll keep updating Earth Notes as I go...
There's more on my "Earth Notes" Web site at
Show Notes
This took me far longer to write than I allowed for, having started in the morning of the 2nd. It turns out that my kids are back at school on the 3rd, leaving me in relative peace to record!
Full diary notes:
- 2022-12-30: reading: [rosenow2023clean] [SHCScollection] [NIHSreport]
- 2022-12-29: reading: [henretty2020efficiency]
- 2022-12-28: reading: [quintana2022meta]
- 2022-12-28: allowed heating on in the morning ~10am from cold (~14°C inside, ~11°C outside) for a single burst, ie until it cycled off, which took a few minutes and ~2.2kWh. Family due back in the afternoon. All radiators except the hall (7h) were on.
- 2022-12-27: reading: [feldman2019patent]
- 2022-12-26: since gas consumption was high in the cold snap, and the family is away for a couple more days, and temperatures are forecast to be above freezing, I have turned off the heating from this evening onwards until the family is on its way back, to save maybe >10kWh/2kgCO2.
At 16WW over 28 days from 2022-11-28 to 2022-12-26: gas consumption was 20.1kWh/d, electricity imports were 6.2kWh/d, electricity net imports were 6.1kWh/d.
- 2022-12-25: reading: [booth2018net] [haberl2012correcting] [stephenson2014life]
2022-12-24: relatively low grid demand and decent wind generation has unusually nominally allowed Thermino top-up immediately before and after the 4pm to 9pm '
' peak-period lockout (and an unusually late-finishing top-up period overnight from the 23rd). - 2022-12-22: reading: [dodds2022infrastructure]
- 2022-12-21: we were slightly inconvenienced on our way to visit a relative by Fire at Villiers Road Waste and Recycling Centre; Surrey Comet
50 tonnes of household waste [were] alight
. - 2022-12-21: I found an adjustment to allow me to force in more energy to the Thermino without the heating relay dropping out: soaked up ~7kWh overnight. This is useful for very intermittent availability.
- 2022-12-20: had an external PhD supervision meeting today (thank you Peter M), and will start on my analysis of where we (in UK homes) are now on the way to net zero via retrofit!
- 2022-12-19: TTK submitted a consultation response to the River Thames Scheme.
- 2022-12-19: grid carbon intensity remains low (~125gCO2/kWh), so I am forcing another 1h boost .
- 2022-12-18: grid carbon intensity is low mid afternoon Sunday, so I manually forced a short boost for the eddi/Thermino! I also have a very-bare-bones Gallery up and running and being crawled...
- 2022-12-16: started work on bringing back the Gallery as a bare-bones static site.
- 2022-12-15: watching the frost melt from a couple of my shed-top 'horizontal' off-grid PV panels as full sun catches them!
- 2022-12-15: finally fitted the replacement HR25H control board (after more than a year!) in about 30 mins. I moved the old threshold adjustment knob to the new board and turned it down so that it just did not come on at ambient humidity levels (it may need another tweak or two). The old RH sensor was glued to part of the assembly (the cover plate) so I have improvised. The boost mode fired up correctly for (and stopped after) a shower, sounding a little ropey after being unused for a year, but in any case cleared the humidity well enough to defog the mirrors. And then with the -2°C outside it started to ice up, so was turned off for the night!
- 2022-12-14: we have a little washing hung out to dry today, given the sunshine, even with snow still on the ground.
- 2022-12-14: reading: possible GB electricity storage to 2050: [loukatou2020storage]
- 2022-12-13: the roof PV is partly covered in patches of snow, so generation is peaking at a little over ~250W at noon. I had a reasonable attempt at sweeping some snow from the horizontal shed-top off-grid panels with a long brush while perched on a ladder. It is ~0°C outside, but bright.
- 2022-12-12: about 1cm of snow on my walk today, lots of it fresh and crunchy and unwalked since falling mainly overnight. Roof panels only partly uncovered by melting. Near-horizontal panels on shed roof completely covered. Vertical panels in back garden totally clear, and possibly benefitting from reflection from the snow on the ground in front of them.
- 2022-12-11: reading: for some science DO NOTs: [demenard2020wrong]
- 2022-12-11: somehow
passed 2000 followers on Twitter, having virtually stopped using it... - 2022-12-08: I have today taken the final readings from the PV systems at the school and asked the FiT administrator to hand over the future interest and income! So just down to the stuff on the roof of EOU Towers now!
- 2022-12-07: participated in an interesting "BIG South London Design Lab" event today. The group I was in came up with a scheme to help green the habits of those not in formal education and leaning to middle-aged to elderly: a green travel reward scheme (eg run regionally by TfL for London) where switching (journeys) from private to green public transport is rewarded, eg with cash to your contactless card and/or a larger contribution to greening your home such as insulation or saving towards more energy-efficient appliances. We'll have to see if I remain involved at all.
- 2022-12-06: my last school governors' meeting tonight after ~11 years!
- 2022-12-05: at my desk my minimum temperature before I feel persistently cold (even with extra layers of clothing) seems to be ~18°C (2.5 on Radbot) if I am sitting working for a long time. Getting up and moving around or going for a walk, even outside in the cold, pushes that down a bit I think. I am in the middle of a revolting cold, so the temperature threshold may drop when it is over.
- 2022-12-01: heating on at noon today with only me in the house and all doors closed to estimate warm-up time, bleed radiators etc as needed (none yet). Initial run for ~6 minutes before flame went off, and back on ~3 minutes later and off within a minute; and continuing with maybe an estimated ~20% run duty cycle! Consumption over the first hour was ~4kWh which would support that duty cycle given a nominal 24kW rating. Call for heat stopped by 13:22Z at ~5kWh. Heating times adjusted to avoid ~9am grid electricity demand peak, now on 06:30--08:59, 13:00--15:59, 19:30--21:29 (7.5h total).
- 2022-11-30: started managing my citations/bibliography in BibTeX format and via Mendelay and Google Scholar; already some interesting differences of opinion between the tools, which has been an eye-opener!
2022-11-29: boiler-flow temperature turn-down actually getting some traction from government and the BEIS Secretary of State...
- 2022-11-28: helped out with an home energy efficiency talk at Hive.
- 2022-11-25: ... and fixed by the dentist by 10am, ~£65, hurrah! So my DenTek(TM) anti-teeth-grinding widget outlasted the previous dental work.
- 2022-11-24: nice: a huge chunk of tooth just fell out ... again...
- 2022-11-23: unexpected visit to EMEX today to meet a friend, and met many others from the energy-efficiency journey of the last few years!
- 2022-11-21: added
variable outputs to the energy series dataset. - 2022-11-18: Wednesday I saw Radbot being sold at a trade show, Thursday I had a PhD supervision meeting, and today I had my 'retirement' party!
- 2022-11-17: thorough boiler service today, burnt ~1.4kWh during testing including DHW and radiators. If this Performa does pack in before 16WW is bulldozed, a second-hand condensing boiler is likely to be available for ~£200.
- 2022-11-10: BMRS FUELINST (and other) data, and thus the EOU grid-intensity service and carbon-intensity log, were out from ~21:45Z to after ~08:00Z the next morning...
- 2022-11-08: asked
If I start tooting these carbon intensities on Mastodon, should they be:
Under a separate handle
(two votes), orMixed with other 'wisdom'
(one vote)! - 2022-11-06: finally publishing 7-day few of red/yellow/green status!
- 2022-11-02: received covid and flu shots today.
- 2022-11-01: completed a small Design Brief Generator for the Design Council, a commission picked up over Twitter late one evening at the end of the previous week!
2022-10-30: first (and silly) Mastodon toot.
- 2022-10-22: we went to the dogs today (in Hove): the venue and the Tote won, and a pleasant evening was had by all!
- 2022-10-15: it's all over — I achieved my first "man bun" (ie pony tail with the tip tucked back in) today!
- 2022-10-14: officially handed over (sold for a nominal sum) one of my 'rent-a-roof' PV systems to the home owners to allow them to move sooner rather than later to be near elderly parents.
- 2022-10-14: unbounded joy: Virgin has swapped our landline number with that of our local Chinese takeaway (from a little before noon). We get lots of nuisance calls and they lose all their business for a busy evening. (Still not sorted 2022-10-19. V long call (over 90 minute) on 21st after line goes dead trying to get things fixed; well done Maha for trying though 3pm. Progress: takeaway's number now seems to be working (hurrah!), though ours now completely dead! Still dead 2022-10-27 ~4pm when actual experienced engineer turned up, verified that it was a problem at the exchange, and fixed it in minutes...)
- 2022-10-10: finally put on my new "3M Thinsulate" slippers (£10); my old ones are being kept at my desk as home for my new USB-powered heated insoles that I'm making use of this evening.
- 2022-10-07: reading the National Grid ESO 2022/23 Winter Outlook Report I note on p11 their working values for capacity of embedded wind (6.5GW) and solar (13.1GW). Simon Evans says
I have 32% as of 2021 (ie latest full year)
. - 2022-10-07: have Local Bytes monitoring plug up and running more quickly and easily than I imagined, and an appliance being monitored!
- 2022-10-05: signed up today for an 8-year part-time PhD at Surrey University in trying to make retrofitting (UK) homes with existing wet heating and TRVs work as well as possible.
- 2022-10-04: combi fixed (stuck diverter valve) and is back on.
- 2022-09-30: the Enphase nearly emptied (~4%) this morning, and has not filled up today, probably for the first time in many months; more signs of autumn!
- 2022-09-29: the 5s Radbot set on 17C/2, opened when I drew curtains this morning, ie definitely autumn!
- 2022-09-27: just about chilly enough in the afternoon (~18°C inside, ~14°C outside) to have put on a second pair of socks!
- 2022-09-23: today my USB-heated (slipper) insoles turned up: an experiment to keep the heat down further at may desk to save more gas this winter!
- 2022-09-22: boiler was nearly fixed today, and some gas was burnt for DHW and space heat to test it out! Though it took another visit in October to sort the diverter valve, so the Thermino setup was rejigged to provide all our hot water in the meantime.
- 2022-09-15: ~2:40pm: power just went off, but I did not even notice because my laptop is currently off-grid and the Internet router is too. A neighbour just came round to see what was going on because her power was out. Preemptive text messages from UK Power Networks explained the cut (emergency works, apparently a cable fault) to 105 properties, with power due back on between 4pm and 5pm. This is only about the third power cut since we moved in, so ~18 years, the previous two being ~30m. PV generation reported at 0 at 13:40Z; Enphase, Eddi, Thermino (and its monitoring RPi) all off. Power back on (and PV reported generating) at 15:04Z (4pm), so out for ~1h24. At least briefly the Eddi saw the Thermino as 'full'; the heating relay may be NO (Normally Open) for safety.
- 2022-09-13: today there has not been enough PV generation to top up the half-full Thermino at all, though the Enphase did fill. We have left summer!
- 2022-09-12: I may add some gently heated insoles to my thermal undies and double socks this winter! To help keep room temperature and gas use down...
- 2022-09-11: 16WW was "open home" today as part of Kingston's Sustainability September today; five people visited and seemed to have found the time useful. All had slightly different asks, all were genuinely interested, all had been told that heap-pumps were rubbish...
- 2022-09-08: everyone is officially back at school or work today (though my work is entirely from home).
- 2022-09-07: I have my fx-100 back: my daughter has the solar-powered, graphical Casio fx-991EX classwiz!
- 2022-09-07: definite shoulder-month weather, with the last time the Thermino completely (over-)filled being afternoon of the 1st until this afternoon, so 6 days!
- 2022-09-06: it appears that I may be about to hand on my A-level Casio fx-100 calculator to my daughter for her A-levels! On the other hand is't so old-skool compared to the current recommended device with graphical and symbolic display and ability to edit in place...
- 2022-09-04: in an attempt to save a tiny bit more energy, I have turned down the TX power of the 5GHz channel on the WiFi router (to 60% for now), and I have also set the channel to go off at night; most of our devices and computers connect on 2.4GHz anyway.
- 2022-09-03: using Google Takeout today, to capture a snapshot of my interactions with Google...
- 2022-09-01: Kingston is doing a Sustainable September series of events, including 16WW being open house on the 11th, and talks in the GreenZone (including by me) on the 25th.
- 2022-08-31: my cheapo £5 years-old (wired) earbuds did not enjoy getting washed in the chest pocket of my fleece: the mic only just worked after. So I lashed out £5.99 on Core X6 Earbuds to fit the 3.5mm jack socket on my MBA M1. Weird wired. 11232810, 0079140322 505610340026!
- 2022-08-30:
Hey #energytwitter, what's you favorite energy economics / electricity markets podcast?
- 2022-08-30: official we're in a drought.
- 2022-08-26: fog this morning!
- 2022-08-25: Kingston's Sustainable September seems to be gearing up!
- 2022-08-25: my daughter's GCSE results today ... nervous, us?
(Presenting Eloise, who was awarded an outstanding six grade 9s, three grade 8s and one grade 7. What an absolute legend!)
- 2022-08-09: we are able to go back to the south of France (by train) for our summer holiday beside the Med: the coronavirus is no bar to travel there now.
- 2022-08-07: had a pleasant piece of apple from our tree; there have already been quite a few edible apples this year.
- 2022-08-02: the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) from renewables plus storage in South Korea and China is well below the cost of gas-fired power. For 16WW with 5.29kWp of PV, utility/LCOE ratios imply storage of ~2.6kW/10.6kWh vs the ~1kW/5kWh actually installed.
- 2022-07-21: it's not a huge shock to see that during this very hot period we're using less DHW than usual at ~3kWh/d vs a more typical ~4kWh/d.
- 2022-07-19: starting the day (~7am BST) at ~26°C (last night may have been the warmest ever in the UK) makes purging heat from the house hard, and the day is likely to peak outside at ~37°C again, and so warmer inside than yesterday. A bit grim for a workday. Not long after solar noon (12:54Z) and the porch sensor is reporting 37°C and the BBC forecast 38°C for here (risen to 39°C by ~13:30Z) and Heathrow just exceeded 40°C. Temps in the house peaked ~8:30pm (BST) at ~31°C upstairs, and a couple of degrees cooler downstairs. There was even a little rain with thunder!
- 2022-07-18: difficult to sleep (~25°C upstairs) so awake at ~2am (BST) and opened front and back doors for ~1h to cool house while ~18°C outside. Went for walk at ~7am (BST) when 'only' ~21°C to avoid forecast 39°C later. Doors and windows shut at ~11am (BST) with temps outside ~29°C already. Peak outside air temp was ~37°C.
- 2022-07-15: as of 1pm BST 40°C is forecast for Monday (18th) and 37°C for Tuesday; good job that this climate change thing is all a big hoax... (Met Office issues first red extreme heat warning.)
- 2022-07-10: Just trying my first cold brew coffee - a mere 3h at room temperature while I went for a walk etc and forgot about it! Tastes good.
- 2022-07-06: there is a suggestion that a mini-fast is good for you, and stopping eating 3h+ before bedtime also helps the gut switch to repair mode during sleep; so it also means that I should stop snacking by the time I feel comfortable running electrical appliances after the evening peak!
- 2022-06-21: the longest day of the year allows me to run the dishwasher after supper ~6pm without needing to draw from the grid (1kW of battery support + over 1kW PV generation still).
- 2022-06-20: Just participated in a study (ACU-VENT) about sound perception in mechanically and naturally ventilated dwellings in the London area. Interesting!: call for volunteers. I filled in a survey while sound levels were measured in the living room and outside, with off-set contributions from planes from LHR, dogs barking, parakeets and jackdaws...
- 2022-06-15: Kingston Invents! met for the first time since covid took off, in the same building (and possibly same room) at Kingston University as before. It felt almost as if there had been no break.
- 2022-05-22: put together a sparrow medley.
- 2022-05-07: visited the Hanwell Hootie!
- 2022-05-06: the heat battery reduced our gas demand in April to well under 0.5kWh/d; we then seem to have snuck through a few dull days at the start of May without much higher gas use.
- 2022-04-30: created uniform, standardised-format energy series dataset, with different sources for the same data visible side-by-side and at multiple granularities.
- 2022-04-20:
sitting in the kitchen having lunch, listening to my @myenergiuk eddi clicking off (stopping diverting) when grid frequency drops < 49.9Hz! Hurrah!
- 2022-03-28: my cemetery walk was sweet-smelling with white candelabra racemes of laurel!
- 2022-03-26: it's been a sunny week, with the Thermino almost eliminating gas use. Today two showers and a bath were supplied and the Thermino nearly full up again by about 4pm having absorbed over 9kWh.
- 2022-03-09: the Sunamp Thermino was installed today, by ~4pm.
- 2022-03-08: to further trim gas use I have turned off the central heating entirely this evening just into the final 'on' period (8pm), with the intention of leaving it off, ie stopping our heating season here, unless things get very cold.
- 2022-02-26: a pleasant sunny day, the off-grid battery hit FULL and the Enphase grid-coupled battery hit 100% too, and ~4kWh has been exported most of which in future would be in the heat battery possibly destined for my bath.
- 2022-02-22: preparing for Thermino install, we are getting rid of the grill (George Foreman Dual Knockout No 10387) that I think was the first purchase through our new virtual credit-card system at Ixaris for ~£100 at Amazon! We haven't used it for years, one half no longer works, but it went quickly on Freegle/Freecycle...
- 2022-02-20: a walk round the cemetery in the afternoon (with a rather milder Met Office yellow warning of wind) revealed quite a lot of tree (and fencing) damage: a large Cypress smashed into pieces for example.
2022-02-18: today's predicted terrifying storm Eunice as of just before 8am and on the live forecast in the next hour nominal 62mph winds, is barely windy. A couple of hours later into the 'red warning' phase and for some hours, became more gusty, but still not damaging, at EOU HQ.
- 2022-02-13: because the central heating radiator circuit pressure keeps dropping to 0 (and rising sharply, so I fear a problem with expansion vessel and/or overpressure relief valve) and the boiler is making unhappy noises at low pressure, I have turned the flow temperature down to minimum (~30°C) to see if that stresses the system less.
- 2022-02-12: the house basically imported nothing from the grid today and exported ~1kW; the Enphase started the day nearly 50% full and will end nearly 90% full with 6.7kWh generated.
- 2022-02-01: the sparrows are keeping up their racket outside my study window in the Pyrocanthus!
- 2022-01-31: it's noon and I'm at least briefly running my MBA off-grid, and the off-grid system is dumping too, so taking ~30W load away leaving ~200W to spill to grid from ~1200W generation. The Enphase AC Batteries claim to be charging ~900W, maybe below the nominal maximum because it's chilly (~7°C).
- 2022-01-30: off-grid battery hit FULL today for the first time since 2021-10-31, ie in about 3 months!
- 2022-01-30: set up basic heat-battery top-up control script and logging.
- 2022-01-29: myenergi Eddi+Hub arrived today, ahead of schedule; very preliminary check-over, and set-up of hub.
- 2022-01-28: Fame! To quote @EarthOrgUK just now, who concisely summarized our paper: "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (especially if one eye is closed and one ear covered)." We opened both eyes and found clear evidence for the obvious answer: nuclear power DOES reduce CO2 emissions.
- 2022-01-28: myenergi eddi and hub now on their way for heat battery setup; I'm hoping to have programmed everything fairly thoroughly long before the sparks gets involved!
- 2022-01-22: in a thread on Twitter I mused FWIW I don't put any of my qualifications (or even "Mr"!) on my business cards etc. And even if I finally go for a PhD and achieve it, I won't be using "Dr" much. Objective qualifications are important but not the whole story: mediocre people collect and hide behind them...
- 2022-01-17: Energy Digitalisation Taskforce publishes recommendations for a digitalised Net Zero energy system: I contributed to the open data element of this in the Before Times.
- 2022-01-16: my MacBook Air is offering me an upgrade to Monterey even though I think it's too old (MacBookAir6,2 ~2013?) ... and when I click on the offer and get to Software Update I am told that I'm up to date at 11.6.2.
- 2022-01-11: installed the
command so that I couldat noon
something I want to run when the sun has been out for a bit tomorrow. I used to useat
all the time, eg at uni, but probably haven't for a decade or two since it was not installed by default. But it only took aapt-get install at
and about 30 seconds to bring it all back! - 2022-01-08: into part 2 of Daniel Dennett's "From Bacteria to Bach and Back" 2017...
2022-01-05: first decent few hours of sunshine in nearly a month, with horribly low off-grid battery managing to soak up over 360Wh cf ~50Wh on previous days.
- 2022-01-01: warm and sunny enough (>14°C) for us to have washing drying on the line in the garden, while I pored over end-of-month and end-of-year data capture and processing!
- 2022-01-01: new carbon intensities flipped in automatically for the intensity calculator first thing today.
# Retail GB electricity carbon intensity as computed by # Time gCO2e/kWh # Intensities gCO2/kWh: BIOMASS=120 CCGT=394 COAL=937 INTELEC=53 INTEW=458 INTFR=53 INTIFA2=53 INTIRL=458 INTNED=474 INTNEM=179 INTNSL=16 NPSHYD=0 NUCLEAR=0 OCGT=651 OIL=935 OTHER=300 WIND=0 2022-01-01T00:00Z 85 2022-01-01T00:05Z 88 ...
- [booth2018net] Not carbon neutral: Assessing the net emissions impact of residues burned for bioenergy
- [demenard2020wrong] What's Wrong with Social Science and How to Fix It: Reflections After Reading 2578 Papers
- [dodds2022infrastructure] Round up of some current energy sector data infrastructure projects
- [feldman2019patent] The Sound and Fury of Patent Activity
- [haberl2012correcting] Correcting a fundamental error in greenhouse gas accounting related to bioenergy
- [henretty2020efficiency] Energy efficiency of housing in England and Wales
- [loukatou2020storage] Potential Electricity Storage Routes to 2050
- [NIHSreport] Northern Ireland Housing Statistics
- [quintana2022meta] A guide for calculating study-level statistical power for meta-analyses
- [rosenow2023clean] Clean heating: Reforming taxes and levies on heating fuels in Europe
- [SHCScollection] Scottish House Condition Survey: Collection
- [stephenson2014life] Life cycle impacts of biomass electricity in 2020
(Count: 12)