Earth Notes: 16WW Heat-pump Control
Updated 2025-01-14.Some current energy system settings are made available automatically.
I am 'tuning' (read: 'messing with') our heat pump to keep us warm while minimising our carbon footprint, and to understand better how heat pumps work for my interest and research.
Current Heat-pump System Settings
The installation defaults of 2024-11-29, with changes:
- The DHW cylinder immersion heater is driven from Eddi output 1 rather than the heat pump system, on a grid-sensitive 8 to 27 day interval generally starting at midnight when it runs, with the immersion heat thermostat set hot enough (5) for pasteurisation (no longer on fixed Sunday-morning slot; changed to Eddi dynamic scheme with 14-day maximum, changed to 27-day maximum to ensure pasteurisation at least monthly).
- Weather compensation for LWT/flow set to 50°C at -7°C external (design temp), 25°C at 15°C external (living room was not reaching 21°C when mild outside ~14°C and curve RHS set for 25/12; changed low end to 50/-2 , changed low end to 50/-7 per Daikin/Octopus default).
- Space heat: space heating OFF temperature (breadcrumb 4.3): 15°C (default 22°C; to trim the nominal heating season closer to our usual; changed ).
- Tank: reheat set-point (breadcrumb 5.4): 42°C (minimum temperature: reheats from this when not otherwise covered by a schedule) (default 43°C; lowered to reduce standing losses ~5%; changed ).
- Tank: schedule (breadcrumb 5.5): daily eco (45°C), stop, eco, stop, reheat (42°C) outside those times (default to eco temperature daily; changed to eco 07:40/15:50 and 19:10/21:30 else reheat; changed for to eco 07:40/15:50 and 19:20/21:30 else reheat).
- WiFi connectivity enabled 2024-12-23 by Octopus engineer, and software automatic updates not yet turned off.
- Space heat: "pump limitation" set to "60%" (default "80% during sampling"; lowered to possibly reduce some pump running energy and noise; changed to "60% during sampling" , changed to "60%" ).
- Temporarily switch heating to LWT+schedule mode, enable and create and select an LWT offset schedule — under "main zone" set "heating schedule" "user defined 1" to 'on' 06:10 to 15:50 and 19:10 to 21:20 (0°C adjustment) and -4°C 15:50 to 19:10 every day, otherwise adjust LWT by -6°C ie set back hard; this may improve CoP and reduce electricity demand for any heating overnight and at peak (4pm to 7pm) grid demand — seems to continue to apply when back in "external room thermostat" mode though invisible; changed with -3°C peak time setback, -4°C peak time setback.
Cheat Sheet if Something Goes Wrong
If for some reason the heat pump goes wrong and there is no hot water or heat, try these things in this order:
- Take a note of any alarm showing on the heat pump MMI display by the hot water tank.
- Turn the heat pump off for at least 10 minutes at the "main switch" in its separate panel by the front door, then back on.
- If necessary use a fan heater to keep one room warm.
- Ensure that the Eddi rocker switch is "on" and select "boost" for heater 1 on the Eddi front panel: one hour may be enough for a shower or two hours for a bath; feel exposed metal on pipes at the top of the tank to get an idea of water temperature.
- If the Eddi does not seem to be heating the tank (with blue light "1" on) then turn the Eddi rocker switch to "bypass" to try to force some hot water, but please put the switch back to "on" when done.
2024-11-29: Default Set-up from Daikin and Octopus
A summary of the basic 'defaults' for the EDLA04E2V3 system as produced by the Daikin MMI (Man Machine Interface) and the Octopus installation team, subject to my requests, as of today:
- No Madoka (wired remote control) fitted.
- Space heating activated by external call for heat from Radbots via OpenTRV unit; no schedule is possible in conjunction with this unlike the old combi heating clock.
- Radiator system pressure 1 to 1.5 bar on the mechanical gauge (the digital MMI value is lower, eg 0.9 in MMI vs 1.0 shown on the gauge).
- Does not have the Thermino heat battery connected up.
- The DHW cylinder immersion heater is driven from Eddi output 1 rather than the heat pump system, with a scheduled early Sunday morning boost ( (UTC) for 3h30) for pasteurisation, with the immersion heat thermostat set hot enough (5) for pasteurisation.
- DHW on (with DHW priority): to .
- Weather compensation for LWT/flow set to 50°C at -2°C external (design temp), 25°C at 12°C external (Daikin recommends defaults of external -7°C and 20°C end-points).
- Space heat: space heating OFF temperature (breadcrumb 4.3): 22°C adjusted.
- Space heat: pump operation mode (breadcrumb 4.5): request.
- Tank: schedule (breadcrumb 5.5): to eco temperature daily as above adjusted.
- Tank: disinfection (breadcrumb 5.7): no (because handled via Eddi).
- Tank: maximum (breadcrumb 5.8): 60°C.
- Tank: setpoint mode (breadcrumb 5.8): fixed.
- Tank: heat up mode (breadcrumb 5.6): schedule and reheat.
- Tank: comfort set-point (breadcrumb 5.2): 48°C.
- Tank: eco set-point (breadcrumb 5.3): 45°C.
- Tank: reheat set-point (breadcrumb 5.4): 43°C (minimum temperature: reheats from this when not otherwise covered by a schedule) adjusted.
- Tank: hysteresis (breadcrumb 5.5): 8°C.
- Sensors: external sensor (breadcrumb 9.8.1): outdoor.
- Balancing: space heating priority (breadcrumb 5-02): disabled.
- Balancing: anti-recycle timer (breadcrumb 8-02): 1h.
- Balancing: maximum DHW running timer (breadcrumb 8-01): 45m.
- DHW: pump installed (breadcrumb 9.2.2): no.
- System: number of zones (breadcrumb 4.4): 1.
- Main zone: emitter type (breadcrumb 2.9): fancoil (5KDT, rather than radiators).
- Main zone: control (breadcrumb 2.9): external room thermostat (OpenTRV/Radbot, per-TRV call for heat, nominal maximum 6°C setback in vacant/dark rooms).
- Main zone: WD curve type (breadcrumb 2.5): 2-point.
- Main zone: 2-point curve (breadcrumb 2.5): Y2=50°C, Y1=25°C, X1=-2°C (design temp), X2=12°C as above adjusted.
- Setpoint range: heating minimum (breadcrumb 2.8): 25°C.
- Setpoint range: heating maximum (breadcrumb 2.8): 55°C.
- Setpoint range: thermostat type (breadcrumb 2.A): 1 contact.
- Space heat: increase around 0°C: increase 2°C, span 4°C.
- Space heat: overshoot: 4°C.
- Space heat: antifrost: yes.
- Main zone: delta T: 5°C.
2024-11-30: Proposed Updates
- Tank: schedule (breadcrumb 5.5): daily to eco, to comfort, to eco, reheat outside those times (default to eco temperature daily). However, times are in multiples of 10 minutes, and I could not set more than four actions per day, so daily eco, stop, eco, stop is used for now.
- Space heat: space heating OFF temperature (breadcrumb 4.3): 15°C (default 22°C; to trim the nominal heating season closer to our usual).
- Tank: reheat set-point (breadcrumb 5.4): 42°C (minimum temperature: reheats from this when not otherwise covered by a schedule) (default 43°C; lowered to reduce standing losses ~5%).
2024-12-09: Pasteurised
The grid-aware pasteurisation cycle kicked in this morning, during 'super-green' and 'L' time, lasting a little under 2h and consuming 2.7kWh, 8 days since the last time the cylinder reached maximum temperature.
The Daikin MMI was reporting the DHW to be 60°C at ~.
(The next cycle ran and drew 2.3kWh. It ran out of 'super-green' time before completing, though the tank was reported to be at 57°C a little before 9am. The cycle re-ran the next day to complete, at 3.2kWh and with 28 low-frequency responses.)
Heat battery log sample:2024-12-09T00:01Z MT 0 GI 62 IT 76 F WLGQbvxN ES - 2024-12-09T00:11Z MT 0 GI 62 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 1 2024-12-09T00:21Z MT 0 GI 62 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T00:31Z MT 0 GI 62 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T00:41Z MT 0 GI 62 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T00:51Z MT 0 GI 62 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T01:01Z MT 0 GI 63 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T01:11Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T01:21Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T01:31Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T01:41Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T01:51Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T02:01Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T02:11Z MT 0 GI 67 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T02:21Z MT 0 GI 67 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 4 2024-12-09T02:31Z MT 0 GI 65 IT 76 F WLGQbvxsN ES 5 2024-12-09T02:41Z MT 0 GI 66 IT 76 F WLGQbvxN ES 5 2024-12-09T02:51Z MT 0 GI 66 IT 76 F WLGQbvxN ES 1
The next cycle ran and drew 2.3kWh. It ran out of 'super-green' time before completing, though the tank was reported to be at 57°C a little before 9am. The cycle will probably re-run tomorrow to complete.
There were 14 interruptions for frequency response while the cycle was running, and the super-green status was intermittent, from intermittent grid storage draw-down. Thus relatively turbulent and unusual conditions.
The cycle did indeed complete today, taking 3.2kWh and ~3h. There were 28 interruptions for frequency response. The dishwasher was timed to run after the estimated pasteurisation finish. When I am able to dynamically force DHW generation via the heat pump, to 'comfort' level or above, I should possibly do so in any supergreen time. If that competes with and reduces any heating done by immersion (because the Eddi limits total grid imports it is responsible for) then all the better. I may wish to defer in the small hours of the morning if noise is an issue, eg for neighbours.
2024-12-20: Load Profile
A quick check if our electricity load profile has significantly changed since , given the new heat pump, using data for the first 19 full days in December, with extended scripts.
I will delay the DHW evening period start 10 minutes to , pushing it a little further down the slope from peak grid demand time. Still not at a half hour (HH) boundary. No one in the house will likely ever notice.
As of no one seems to notice nor mind the DHW and space heat setbacks, and they are shifting some load away from grid evening peak. From watching various temperature graphs, the current -3°C LWT/flow setback during that peak seems reasonable, though it could go back a bit further with possibly a rise just ahead, given that the old gas CH was simply off for this time.
As of after more observation of room temperatures, I have eased the peak-time LWT setback down to -4°C to lower electricity demand a little, by aiming to allow temperatures of unoccupied rooms to drop slowly.
2024-12-27: Alternate Heating Mode
While the bypass remains apparently non-functional I have had the living room (3l) and kitchen (6k) valves turned up to max. This provides flow but keeps the system (at least the circulation pump) running constantly.
In the interim, early this afternoon I switched to a LWT-and-schedule mode, ignoring the OpenTRV call for heat. TRVs other than 3l and 6k can remain regulating local temperatures as normal. To do this:
- Under "main zone" change "control" from "external room thermostat" to "leaving water".
- Under "space heating/cooling" change "pump operation mode" from "continuous" to "sample" (to reduce pump running energy and noise).
- Under "space heating/cooling" change "pump limitation" from "80% during sampling" to "60% during sampling" (to reduce pump running energy and noise).
- Under "main zone" change "schedule" from "no" to "yes".
- Under "main zone" set "heating schedule" "user defined 1" to 'on' 06:10 to 15:50 and 19:10 to 21:20 (0°C adjustment) and -3°C 15:50 to 19:10 every day, otherwise adjust LWT by -6°C ie set back enough to probably be off; this should avoid most heating overnight and at peak (4pm to 7pm) grid demand.
- Under "main zone" set "heating schedule" select "user defined 1".
(The -3°C and -6°C setback values were almost plucked from the air. The start is well before GB peak heat-demand ramp I think, and before any Radbot has typically been coming on (predictively) each morning, and to avoid a half-hour boundary. The end times are to avoid direct clashes with DHW off times, slightly before.)
By mid-afternoon I was too hot in the kitchen so turned its TRV down from max. Only 3l is now permanently open and circulation seems to be a bit noisier.
It would be useful to be able to leave the LWT adjustment schedule in place once the system reverts to OpenTRV "external" control to moderate demand, especially at grid peak.
I looked at the Daikin Altherma 3M reference guide [daikin2022altherma3M].
2024-12-28: reverting, almost
This mode seems to use more than double previous consumption (eg 3.8kWh on space heat only by 09:45Z today, spikes of ~1kW before 06:00Z).
I am reverting to the previous configuration except that I took the 3l TRV head off the valve base and placed it nearby to allow that radiator to continue to act as the bypass. I shall set it back to a reasonable target temperature, eg 20°C, to resume being a functional call for heat.
At ~ I started undoing settings above as needed:
- Under "main zone" change "control" to "external room thermostat".
The other alternatives vanish with "external room thermostat", except "pump limitation" which can be left at "60% during sampling" which probably does nothing much now but is unlikely to hurt.
It seems that the LWT setback schedule still applies, even though invisible, which is helpful, especially to reduce demand in the 4pm to 7pm peak time slot. This is surely a bug, though useful.
If I rebuild the OpenTRV "external room thermostat" controller box then I may wish to adjust some things:
- Double or more the minimum on and off (and thus cycle) time from the current ~4 mins.
- Possibly accept a 'defer' peak-time signal, eg for grid 'red' and/or 4pm to 7pm peak.
- Defer for a while coming on when only one TRV calling for heat at <9X%, especially if in receipt of a 'defer' signal; aim to bunch requests to make better use of the heat source.
2025-01-02: Curve Adjustment
Although having the cold end of the weather compensation curve at 50°C internal / -2°C external matches the Octopus design calculations, I suspect that the curve is higher (and thus less efficient) than it need be.
So I am testing the cold end back at the Daikin/Octopus 50/-7 default tonight, with outside temperatures due to be ~2°C early tomorrow morning.
At ~ with outside ~-2°C, the 50/-7 seemed to allow room temperatures (including the living room) to rise fast enough, so I will keep this setting for now.
The following day, with temperatures around or a little above freezing, there was a continuous call for heat from ~6am to ~9pm. Again, there is something like an hourly cycle in flow/LWT. This suggests that the weather compensation curve is something close to right. hph4
was ~13kWh, including DHW for a bath.
2025-01-05: Eddi Heater Priority
This thought is for when the Thermino is reintegrated.
The new DHW cylinder leaks heat far faster than then the Thermino, so I plan to make the Thermino (Eddi heater 2) the higher priority unless a pasteurisation is pending, in which case priority should revert to the tank (Eddi heater 1).
This should get pasteurisation done as needed by diversion or boost, but otherwise store heat where it will be retained longest.
- [daikin2022altherma3M] Installer reference guide: Daikin Altherma 3 M
- [sharpe2025TRVs] Heat Pumps and TRVs — What installers need to know
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