Earth Notes: On Other Useful Sites

Updated 2025-01-10.
Archived and additional links, videos, and older material from yesteryear.
An archive of links to useful/older material on other sites. Assorted hot stuff from the olden days!

Please keep your voice down as you browse the stacks...

From time to time this page will be reviewed for expired or redirected links. Some clean-up will be done, such as linking to externally archived copies of missing originals where available. The aim is not to 'lose' history where reasonably possible.

Blogs, Fora and News Sources


2018-12-18 Katharine Hayhoe: The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it, 2015-06-03 Olympic Cyclist Vs. Toaster: Can He Power It?, 2014-08-22 OpenTRV Wuthering Bytes 2015 talk, 2014-08-22 OpenTRV Wuthering Bytes 2014 talk, 2014-06-03 OpenTRV Green Challenge "elevator pitch" video, 2013-12-30 Cleanweb Mark Hill talking about OpenTRV; how we aim to halve your energy bill, 2013-05-13 The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC, 2012-12-08 Adam Hart-Davis talks about small-scale solutions to climate change, 2012-12-04 Dinner Parties, Guest Bedrooms, and Multiple Offices in a 420 Square Foot Apartment, 2012-10-29 Close The Door, 2012-10-16 From U-values to conjugal bliss in under 3 minutes, 2012-09-09 Geophysical Limits to Global Wind Power "at the level of present global primary power demand (~18TW), uniformly distributed wind turbines are unlikely to substantially affect the Earth's climate", 2011-12-28 How does carbon offsetting work? (Adam Hart-Davis), 2011-09-26 A day in the life... dovetailing energy and water and time and money saving, 2011-09-06 Visualizing a plenitude economy, 2011-03-20 Wind doing good in a small US community (Siemens), 2011-03-19 Living in a Zero-Waste Home, OLD Isaac Asimov on the greenhouse effect in 1989, time history of CO2, the Energy Saving Trust YouTube channel which is witty and watchable, December 2009 Human Power Shower - Bang Goes The Theory - BBC One, the excellent and light-hearted YouTube video on global warming "How It All Ends", the "We can fix it Together" call to action, and Adam Hart-Davis talking about the Masai.


UK Green Deal and "ECO" Programmes in the UK

In association with the Green Deal (GD) from 2013 will be the ECO (Energy Company Obligation) programme (replacing CERT, CESP et al).

Archived News

News items are generally archived here from the home page.

Air-Quality Links

Especially with reference to biomass use in urban areas:

Old 'Saving Energy' News From Yesteryear

OpenTRV Links

As of 2017-04-17:


(Count: 3)