Earth Notes: On Website Technicals (2025-03)

Updated 2025-03-03.
Tech updates: heat battery dashboard detail...
Considering a grass-roots movement to form a citizens' assembly to set terms for a Royal Commission to guide the forming of a ministerial task force to consider the scoping and creation of a focus group to sketch terms of reference for a study group to outline the agenda for a pre-meeting to form a steering group to get ready to think about upgrading the RPi server, easy does it... The Thermino heat battery is alive again!

2025-03-03: Heat Battery Detail

The Sunamp Thermino heat battery has been reconnected. I have added a little more detail to the dashboard page:

Diversion plus boost today: 3.589kWh (div=0, DHW h1d=0.0 h1b=2.7, heat battery h2d=0.9 h2b=0.0)

No current diversion (div=0, at Z) in progress. There was a pasteurisation cycle for the DHW cylinder in the wee hours (2.7kWh) and PV diversion to the Thermino during the day (0.9kWh).


  • FOSDEM 2025: Lightning Talk: Podcast Feeds [hart-davis2025feeds].
  • Pagefind: a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users' bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure. Eg build for lite site with npx pagefind --site m --glob '*.html'.


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