Earth Notes: On Website Technicals (2025-03)
Updated 2025-03-03.Tech updates: heat battery dashboard detail...
Considering a grass-roots movement to form a citizens' assembly to set terms for a Royal Commission to guide the forming of a ministerial task force to consider the scoping and creation of a focus group to sketch terms of reference for a study group to outline the agenda for a pre-meeting to form a steering group to get ready to think about upgrading the RPi server, easy does it... The Thermino heat battery is alive again!
2025-03-03: Heat Battery Detail
The Sunamp Thermino heat battery has been reconnected. I have added a little more detail to the dashboard page:
Diversion plus boost today: 3.589kWh (div=0, DHW h1d=0.0 h1b=2.7, heat battery h2d=0.9 h2b=0.0)
No current diversion (div=0
, at Z) in progress. There was a pasteurisation cycle for the DHW cylinder in the wee hours (2.7kWh) and PV diversion to the Thermino during the day (0.9kWh).
(Count: 1)