Earth Notes: Off-Grid Stats from the RPi powermng Utility
Updated 2024-02-19.Power-management system statistics including solar and storage for the off-grid system from 2014. #offGrid #microgen #dataset
Collected logs from the
power manager utility on the Raspberry Pi.The Raspberry Pi monitors and manages power, including some interaction with the grid by moving small loads off-grid (the 'dump' load) when possible.
This is managed with a small C++ utility that runs every ten minutes to compute system state from local and remote sensors. It sets flags in the filesystem for other programs to use to be sensitive to available energy, from Web servers to the site makefile

- name
- 16WW off-grid storage monitoring via RPi local sensors and MODBUS
- description
- 16WW off-grid primary and secondary battery storage monitoring and control via local sensors at RPi and later MODBUS to Morningstar SS-MPPT-15L solar controller
- version
- 1
- keywords
- RPi, Morningstar, MODBUS, battery, LiFePO4, LFP, lead-acid, PbSO4, off-grid, storage, grid, London, UK
- variable measured
- power
- date created
- 2014-07-08T11:47:55Z
- date published
- 2019-09-25T18:42:42Z
- date modified
- 2024-11
- temporal coverage
- 2014-07-08T11:47:55Z/..
- spatial coverage
- UK centre 51.406696N,-0.288789E elevation 16m
- distribution
- directory of 10-minute powermng log data
- canonical URL
- this descriptive text with markup
- is part of
- 16WW Dataset
- licence
- this dataset is licensed under CC0, ie it is effectively public domain; if you make use of this data, attribution is welcome but not obligatory
- is accessible for free
- true