Earth Notes: Site Search / Map / Guide and Full Article Listing

Auto-updated 2024-12-20.
Cannot find what you are looking for? Full site guide/map, search, and article listing for Earth Notes, including updated and popular pages.
Site search and site guide / site map for Earth Notes, including key article groups and a full listing, and a list of tags and what they mean on EOU.

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See below some of the key groups of articles on this site: ranging from being frugal, through the carbon cost of a cuppa, to reviews of appliances and gadgets that we use at home.

About Us: why Earth Notes exists and who writes the words!

See what's popular, newest, and updated.

See also the complete list of all articles on this site.

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You may also be interested in the editorial content calendar.

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Section Homepages

Newest Articles

  1. A Home-heat Carol (2024-12)
  2. On Website Technicals (2024-12)
  3. 16WW Heat-pump Control
  4. On Website Technicals (2024-11)
  5. On Website Technicals (2024-10)
  6. On Website Technicals (2024-09)
  7. Octopus Heat-pump Journey
  8. On Data Centre Heat Recovery (2024)
  9. On Website Technicals (2024-08)
  10. RSS Podcast Feed Efficiency Sonification 2

Recently Updated Articles

  1. Statscast - Load Profile (2020-12)
  2. 16WW Heat-pump Control
  3. UK Wet Heating Retrofit PhD Research
  4. RSS Podcast Feed Inefficiency
  5. On G83-Lite: Solar Nanogeneration For Everyone (2009)
  6. On Solar DHW For Our Home: thinking allowed (2008--2019)
  7. Food's Carbon Footprint
  8. On CDNs, HTTP/2, HTTPS: Performance and Carbon Footprint (2017)
  9. On Setting Up a Raspberry Pi 3 Off-grid Server (2018)
  10. On the SIKP 2000 A1 Portable Induction Hob: Review (2010)

(See also the Basic Feed of article updates.)

⭐ Most Read / Popular

  1. (5.0/5 hits) General Bibliography
  2. (1.7/5 hits) Open-Source Thermostatic Radiator Valve (OpenTRV)
  3. (1.5/5 hits) Thermal Imaging Survey: DIY vs Professional
  4. (1.5/5 hits) OpenTRV Archive Material and Sources
  5. (1.4/5 hits) MHRV (Mechanical Heat-Recovery Ventilation) and HR25H Review
  6. (1.3/5 hits) Octopus Heat-pump Journey
  7. (1.2/5 hits) On Solar DHW, Sunamp, PV Divert
  8. (1.2/5 hits) A Home-heat Carol (2024-12)
  9. (1.2/5 hits) On Setting Up a Raspberry Pi Off-grid PV-Powered Server (2014)
  10. (1.2/5 hits) On the LIME Energy Saving Plug: Review (2011)

And some of the least loved ...

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Important Tags

Meanings of the most important tags against article title/links above:

Blog posting, eg notes from meetings and other events.
Details of a hosted dataset.
Easy-read articles, eg linked from social media.
Education-related, including schools.
Error pages, such as 404 (not found).
Frequently-Asked-Questions / Q&A.
Conservation, saving, being frugal: getting more from less!
Meetings, conferences, exhibitions, shows, site visits.
Microgeneration and storage, eg at home from solar PV.
Podcast or featured audio track.
Research reports, data and discussion.
Product and service reviews.
Short read.
Site infrastructure.
Technology-focused and/or tech-heavy.